Call for Readers

Can you help us to shape the next longlist? We are looking for keen and critical volunteer readers (English, Gaelic, or Scots) to help us work towards the longlist for The Highland Book Prize 2024.  If you enjoy reading (fiction, non-fiction, or poetry), would like to develop your critical reading/reviewing skills, and you are able to read and review entries between July and October, we’d love to hear from you.

We would like to hear from readers who have experience of reviewing or critical reading, but we would also love to hear from readers who have no experience and would like to develop their critical reading/reviewing skills, as training and guidance are provided.

Applications are now OPEN for the Highland Book Prize 2024 Reading Panel

If you would like to apply to join the 2024 panel, please read our guidelines and contract below. We would then invite you to submit your details, and a short summary of why you think you would make an excellent reader for this project, along with a brief review (three sentences) of the last three books you have read.

Gabh pàirt ann am panail nan leughadairean saor-thoileach againn

Tha cothroman againn do luchd-bruidhinn na Gàidhlig a tha ag iarraidh pàirt a ghabhail ann am panail nan leughadairean saor-thoileach againn airson liosta fhada Duais Leabhair na Gàidhealtachd a chur ri chèile. Ma ghabhas tu tlachd ann an leughadh ficsein, neo-fhicsein, sgeulachdan goirid agus bàrdachd, b’ fhìor thoigh leinn cluinntinn uat.

Cuir tagradh thugainn air a’ phost-d aig:

Bhiomaid nad chomain nan sgrìobhadh tu thugainn ann am Beurla.

All volunteer readers will be entered into a prize draw to win the books on the previous year’s longlist.

How to become a Volunteer Reader

What we’ll need from you:

  • a commitment to read your allocated submissions and write a short report following our scoring criteria
  • the ability to read your allocated books within a ten-week period (July – October) and submit your reader reports by early October.
  • a declaration that you will not share or in any way distribute the reading material with which you’re provided
  • an understanding that the material and any relating correspondence about the prize must be kept confidential
  • You do not have to live in the Highlands to take part. Anyone can become a volunteer reader.

To apply, please visit our submissions form here, and tell us:

(1) why you think you’ll make an excellent reader for this project

(2) a list of the last three books you have read and

(3) a short three sentence report for each book.

(4) if you can read one or more of our Gaelic titles please specify this in your response. (Reader reports will still be submitted in English.)

For more information, please contact us by email

To share this opportunity please download and forward this PDF

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